製作年份(西元) :2011年
材質:畫布 油畫
I consider it professional to be immortal on stage. It is an attitude which every actor should possess. An actor has to portray different characters, usually contrary to his age and he has to break away from the limitation and camouflage himself in the character. It is common for a 50 year old actress to play an eighteen year old young lady and after polished makeup and years of professional body training, once on stage, the actress is 18 again. The concept of “Immortal Stage” series is essentially based on such awareness.
In “Immortal Stage” series, the character contemplates with an attitude very much alike the concept of butoh. She is self-examining while attempting to induce the same reaction from the audience; she is observing and being observed; she is discovering her inner self and lets other does the same. What I want to express is a profound interaction of souls.